Dans le plan ci-dessous, AUCHAN est à droite, puis en allant vers la gauche, passer devant Paul, puis Noéllie, pour être devant “Exposition d’arts”, juste avant Be Cammaïeu.
Other Projects
Spontaneous candidature to TATE BRITAIN.
Please click on book cover to download a PDF version of my candidature book–>
Duka means “shop” and Duma means “Cheetah” in Swahili.
In 2013 we started a small company with the aim of selling high quality products from Kenya to help the disadvantaged Kenyans that make the products we buy. Helping these people to have a better salary enables them to educate their own children.
Sadly we closed our company in 2023 because of Covid.
When I did my first art exhibition, many of the visitors wanted to buy the book I had prepared, telling the stories of each painting. This gave me the idea to print a book of all these stories with my paintings. The limited edition is now on sale for 25 €.
As I live in France, the first “round” is in French. English version will follow.